Big mistake Coaches, E-Commerce Store owners, and Manufacturing Businesses make on their Websites.

Mistake:-Most of the above website owners post their content on third-party platforms(Facebook, Youtube, etc) and don’t add it to their websites.
The right way:-Every website owner should post content on their website first. And then post it to their third-party distribution platforms. They should link back to their website from third-party distribution tools to allow their prospects to know more about their product and services. This way they can bring traffic from this third-party distribution platform to their website.
As Octopus uses his tentacles to gather food and feed himself. Your website should host all your content like an octopus head, and like octopus tentacles. You enter third-party platforms and bring traffic to the content hosted on your website.
Most website owners do not follow this, they make content for a particular distribution platform i.e youtube, Facebook, etc and leave the content on that platform alone without linking it back to their website. Worst they host their content on Facebook, Youtube, and Itunes and never add it to their website.
They remain at mercy of the third-party platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, TikTok, etc. Any change in their policy could create a drastic impact on your business.
Chances are that due to policy change your account on third-party platform may get barred and you might lose your business. It is better to own your content and the best way to own it is by hosting it on your website.
Go get the domain and build a website. Turn your website into a repository of all the content you make.
As a marketer or promoter of your business, you should always link your content back to your website or your website should host all your content and collect emails.
Use email marketing and start remarketing using cookies. This will help you to get more customers and increase revenue.
Adding content to third-party tools is not difficult. I have seen a couple of e-commerce brands that have a ton of content on youtube & other platforms. But on their website, there is thin content.
The same mistake is made on websites owned by Coaches and Manufacturing Industries.
Do not make this mistake. Host content or improvised content you posted on other platforms on your website. Stop relying wholly on third-party platforms. Start owning your content and best way is by creating a website.
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