Third Party B2B Marketplace vs Your Own Website and Digital Marketing Strategies

Most small businesses rely on third-party b2b marketplaces like Indiamart, TradeIndia, Sulekha, and others to generate leads.
Total dependency on these third-party marketplaces is killing your business. You are dependent on their marketing strategy in getting leads. You know your business and also know your ideal target audience. No other third-party marketplace will understand this ideal audience of your business better than you.
To get qualified and highly converting leads. It is better to use your marketing tools and tactics. As James schramko, says own the racecourse. It means you should own your marketing ecosystem which acts as the racecourse, whereas, marketing tools & tactics such as paid ads, email marketing, website, search engine optimization, videos, social media optimization, and many others are like horses running in the race. It doesn’t matter which horse is winning as ultimately you own the racecourse.
Below you will find some articles explaining the comparison between marketplaces and your website.
Third Party Websites (IndiaMart, TradeIndia and others)
- Most of times low quality leads
- Sometimes irrelevant leads are shared
- Lead is in price hunting mindset
- Lack of Trust from buyers towards Sellers on these platforms.
Your Own website & marketing tools
- Generate Highly targeted & exclusive leads that will not be shared to another business.
- Can filter out low quality leads
- Impress & Targets your Ideal customers
- High Trust and Credibility as there is methodology in communication with prospective buyers.
- Leads convert highly then marketplaces website sent leads
- Showcase your expertise and knowledge using your website content.
- Your own automated marketing & lead generating machine
- Builds your own customer database
- Gets you organic traffic from Search Engines
- Capture Emails and Contact details of leads to nurture and educate them about your products and services
- Target International market as well.
Keep in Mind
Your own marketing assets and tools are like owning a racecourse. It doesn’t matter which horse wins, because ultimately you always win.